Nitish Kumar Gets His Mahabodhi Treat

Islamic dislike for Buddhists and Buddhist temples and idols all over the world is no hidden fact. But it was surprising that a Buddhist temple was blasted in India after a long long time. But if you watched the trend, nothing comes as a surprise.

Nitish Kumar, in order to make all Biharis as “vote banks” has been playing regionalist card for quote some time. Special status for Bihar was a major trump card, which has been spent now after successful hit. Along with regional chauvinist politics which was expected to garner him votes of all castes of Hindus, he was deeply into communal minority vote bank politics by appeasing the minorities by giving them money and funds on many pretexts and under multiple schemes paid by tax payers money who are largely Hindus. But the problem arose when he started compromising on security…

Nitish Kumar’s communal Muslim vote bank politics made him protect Islamic terrorists every time their root was found to be in Bihar. He fought with his counterparts from Maharashtra, rubbishing any charges of being soft on terror; he tried to run down increasing Muslim radicalism in Bihar fuelled by Gulf money, and most recently, and in currently running event he and his party have been strongly protecting terrorist Ishrat Jahan! And just when he thought he had championed the cause of home grown Muslim terrorists, he gets a warning sign!

As of now we are still counting how many blasts happened in Mahabodhi temple in Bihar. [Link1] [Link2]

In the past low intensity blasts may be result of home-grown terror when some Indian Muslim radical would have home-made the bomb. It had happened in Pune last time – multiple low intensity blasts of this kind.

I think a major credit for this terror attack goes to Nitish Kumar and his pseudo secular politics. He has been protecting an Indian terrorist called Ishrat Jahan because she was born in Bihar. In the past also he has protected some terrorists every time their roots were found in Bihar. Let us hope no life is lost and no innocent blood shed. Because India will probably always have communal politicians like Nitish Kumar and home grown terrorists following Jihad; but all we need to protect are our law abiding innocent citizens who become scapegoats in the power play of politicians and violent games of Jihadis.


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